We are joined my Brother and Friends in our mutual interest in learning how to use and program a Raspberry Pi 2 hobby computer. Posts about our new hobby computer are blogged here at my tech blog.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
A blow to Esperanto, leads to a hobby I can do with my Wife
As a shock to me my Wife decided she would like to learn to program Python with me and perhaps eventually build a robot kit with me. She never could fully develop an interest in learning Esperanto with me, and my main goal was to include my Wife. My time and brain can not keep up with both hobby's, so in the enjoyment of having a hobby I can do with my Wife, I will not be continue to be active at Esperanto. That is all I really wanted in in the first place is to find a hobby I could do with my Wife and Friends. After all, Any hobby is the most fun, when it is shared among Friends.
We are joined my Brother and Friends in our mutual interest in learning how to use and program a Raspberry Pi 2 hobby computer. Posts about our new hobby computer are blogged here at my tech blog.
We are joined my Brother and Friends in our mutual interest in learning how to use and program a Raspberry Pi 2 hobby computer. Posts about our new hobby computer are blogged here at my tech blog.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Slow goes the pace
I continue on towards progress with Esperanto. It is a very slow thing for me as I have an especially hard time retaining things in my head, nevertheless I continue to try. I need to practice more, but I go at a pace on Duolingo according to my abilities for the day. The thought of being able to converse in even simple everyday speech in Esperanto spurs me on.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
100 days of Duolingo regularity
I have been regular for 100 days now, and also only have 8 more lessons to finish the course. I spent that last few days getting my tree gold for a 100 day screenshot.
I am in no rush to finish the last 8 lessons of the course, as I still need much practice with the lessons that I have already done. There is also a lot of meat to study in the last few lessons I have yet to finish. I am ok with taking my time in finishing the course in order to learn the language the best I can, and also not to stress myself with trying to learn too much too fast.
I am in no rush to finish the last 8 lessons of the course, as I still need much practice with the lessons that I have already done. There is also a lot of meat to study in the last few lessons I have yet to finish. I am ok with taking my time in finishing the course in order to learn the language the best I can, and also not to stress myself with trying to learn too much too fast.
When I do finish, I would like to keep the course reviewed for practice. I also would like to turn the audio back on to see if now that I have had more practice with the language I will be able to pick out the audio.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Now level 12 on Duolingo
I am now level 12 on the Duolingo Esperanton course, and am on a 92 day streak. My patches are gilded gold through Feelings. I have been spending all my time trying to keep the lesson patches gold until I feel more comfortable with the language. I need to gild 5 lessons, (Places through Travel), Then I can move on to Affixes 2 if I feel like I feel ready.
In other news, the Spanish to Esperanto course is now being created. When I finish the course in English and if I feel comfortable with it I would consider doing the Spanish to Esperanto course to both review Esperanto and also learn some spanish.
Now level 12 on Duolingo |
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Estas malmola konservi vortoj en mia kapa sed mi instigis daŭrigi
#KOR Mi havas malmola tempo konservi vortoj en mia kapa. Sed mi ĵus ricevas mesaĝas ŝatas ĉi tiu al instigi mi daŭrigi:
"You won your wager by keeping your streak for 7 days and have been awarded 10 lingots!just now
You earned 8 lingots for reaching a 80 day streak! Just now"
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
I am doing some better at understanding the audio of the Duolingo course IF I use earphones to feed it right to my ear. I still miss a good number of them both because of the audio questions, and my own lack of word recall ability and language structure errors. Especially that darn accusative -n.
It sure would be cool though if Duolingo had video as well as audio for the course. Particularly for some of the words that one would normally catch in conversation if you could see the speaker's mouth pronouncing the words. I still appreciate all the work that goes into making the course though.
I am on day 73 of a day streak and do not plan to lose it. (with no freezes used yet). I will yet conquer the course, even if I am the last student. I am still at level 11 and 195 lingots. I have been wagering 5 lingots for 7 day regularity to get 10 back. I will save my lingots to spend on language tests.... once I have the confidence up that I can get a decent score that will not be discouraging to me.
Erik, My new language buddy has been a great motivational force. He is enjoying learning Esperanto very much. So far we have been using greetings when we meet and sharing a few learned words. I look forward to being able to have basic conversations with him. He does a good amount of side research into the language.
My Wife and Brother are not currently active in learning Esperanto other than a few occasional sentences.
I have been doing 1-4 lessons a day lately to keep the tree gold for much needed memory practice with previous lessons and occasionally will do another new lesson.
It sure would be cool though if Duolingo had video as well as audio for the course. Particularly for some of the words that one would normally catch in conversation if you could see the speaker's mouth pronouncing the words. I still appreciate all the work that goes into making the course though.
I am on day 73 of a day streak and do not plan to lose it. (with no freezes used yet). I will yet conquer the course, even if I am the last student. I am still at level 11 and 195 lingots. I have been wagering 5 lingots for 7 day regularity to get 10 back. I will save my lingots to spend on language tests.... once I have the confidence up that I can get a decent score that will not be discouraging to me.
Erik, My new language buddy has been a great motivational force. He is enjoying learning Esperanto very much. So far we have been using greetings when we meet and sharing a few learned words. I look forward to being able to have basic conversations with him. He does a good amount of side research into the language.
My Wife and Brother are not currently active in learning Esperanto other than a few occasional sentences.
I have been doing 1-4 lessons a day lately to keep the tree gold for much needed memory practice with previous lessons and occasionally will do another new lesson.
I have been doing 1-4 lessons daily to keep the tree gold for practice with previous lessons and occasionally will do another new lesson. |
Monday, September 21, 2015
Ni havas a nova lingvo kamarado. Li estas nun nivelo 5. Ni havas bona fojo kune.
Mi estas ankoraŭ ĉe levelo 11, sed ankoraŭ laboras per recenzo. Mi estas koloro oro per leciono "Affixes 1" kaj daŭros recenzi per la "Affixes 2" tiam kontinui kun la lecionoj mi ne havas finas ankoraŭ ne. aŭskultas al la lecionoj aŭdio estas iom faĉila nun. Ho, estis tiu ne amuzo lerni. Aŭdio estas multa laboras lerni al aŭskultas tro.
Scroll to bottom of page for a translation to English
Anglan by Google tradukas: We have a new language companion. He is now level 5. We have a good time together.
I am still at level 11, but am still working through review. I am color gold through lesson "Affixes 1" and will continue to review through the "Affixes 2" then continue with the lessons I have not finished yet. listen to the lessons audio is a little easier now. Oh, was it not fun to learn. Audio is a lot of work to learn to listen too.
Mi estas ankoraŭ ĉe levelo 11, sed ankoraŭ laboras per recenzo. Mi estas koloro oro per leciono "Affixes 1" kaj daŭros recenzi per la "Affixes 2" tiam kontinui kun la lecionoj mi ne havas finas ankoraŭ ne. aŭskultas al la lecionoj aŭdio estas iom faĉila nun. Ho, estis tiu ne amuzo lerni. Aŭdio estas multa laboras lerni al aŭskultas tro.
Scroll to bottom of page for a translation to English
Anglan by Google tradukas: We have a new language companion. He is now level 5. We have a good time together.
I am still at level 11, but am still working through review. I am color gold through lesson "Affixes 1" and will continue to review through the "Affixes 2" then continue with the lessons I have not finished yet. listen to the lessons audio is a little easier now. Oh, was it not fun to learn. Audio is a lot of work to learn to listen too.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Reached level 11 on Duolingo
There are 25 levels to go in Esperanto, so I have a long ways to go. But I just hit level 11 while reviewing. I have all gold through the Numbers Lesson and will continue reviewing. Then I will be ready to start on Affixes 2.
Reviews are taking me a long time as I am having great difficulty distinguishing many sounds correctly. Have tried with internal and external speakers, earphones, and a bluetooth headset. Many sounds sound alike or like another sound entirely. This makes it discouraging and hard to fill in the gold. It is good that I really like the saying "Never give up, never surrender, full speed ahead" (Galaxy Quest) #KOR "Neniam perdu esperon, neniam kapitulacigas, plenrapide antaŭen" (Galaksio Serĉado)
I am getting the idea from posts at the Duolingo Learners Forum that it is, 'possible' to finish the tree around level 11, but others will finish according to their abilities. And just because you finish at level 11 would not necessarily mean you are well versed. ALL will actually without a doubt need more review and practice whether level 11 or 25
I would like to listen to more stories using frazoj from the course according to levels. I have been trying to listen to 'Pasporto al la tuta mondo'. I get more of it now but still need listening practice. I am however getting tired of listening to it. I do not get much of 'Gerda Malaperis' yet. Alas 'Mazi en Gondolando' is more my comprehension. It is like 'Sesame street' all over again. Who says you can't have a second childhood' ;)
UPDATE: Sept 15 - (Copied from a Duolingo forum progress update) I am still at Level 11 with 3158 all time XP EO from the beginning. Often I only do my 10 xp minimum. I have missed about 3 days, the rest have been 4 streaks. Current streak is 57 days. Before Duolingo I primarily used Memrise and an email tutor. Currently going through Duolingo is quite enough for my brain to keep up with so I do not regularly use other resources.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Ni Venas Paroli Kun Vin En Vian Lingvon
Ĉi tiu malonga rakonto estis lerna ekzerĉo de mi kaj korektita kun helpo de volontuloj.
This short story was a learning exercise by me and corrected with help of volunteers.
Ni Venas Paroli Kun Vin
En Vian Lingvon
We come to speak with you in your language
EO: Ni devas iri al Tero por viziti kaj instrui ilin pri la sekretoj da la universo. Vi scias, ke ili havas multajn lingvojn, sed ni devas serĉi iliajn arĥivojn por universala lingvo, do ni ne partianiĝos pri ilia politiko. “Sinjoro, Mi trovis ĝin, kaj Sinjoro, ĝi estas tre simila al nia lingvo. Ĉi tiuj Teranoj estas pli civilizitaj ol ni pensis. “Bone!” La estro diris“Ni povas lerni ĝin dum nia vojaĝo”………
EN: We have to go to Earth to visit and teach them the secrets of the universe. You know they have a lot of languages, but we have to search their archives for their universal language, so we not take sides with their politics. "Sir, I have found it, and sir, it is very similar to our language. These humans are more civilized than we thought.” "Good!" The leader said, "we can learn it during our trip" ......... .
. .
*** Lumŭaro poste… A light year later... ***
EO: Ilia kosmoŝipo nun alteriĝas kaj iliaj belaj ekstermondaj elvenas. Ili komencas komuniki kun la Teranoj kiuj ĉirkaŭis la kosmoŝipon en la universala lingvo, kiun ili trovis en libroj de la arĥivoj de la Teranoj.
. .
EN: Their spaceship now lands and some handsome aliens come out. They start to communicate with the Earthers that surround the ship in the earth's universal language from the books they had discovered in their archives. .
. .
EO: “Saluton! Ni vojaĝis longan veni vidi vi. Ni eĉ lernis vian lingvon,” la eksterterano diras. .
EN: “Greetings! We have voyaged long to come to see you. We have even learned your language.” The alien says.
EO: La Teranoj aspektas perpleksaj. La eksterteranoj taksas ĝin stranga, ke ne eblas komuniki kun ili en ilia propra internacia lingvo. .
EN: The Earthers look perplexed. The aliens find it odd that they can’t communicate with them in their own international language.
EO: “Saluton! Ĉu povas vi kompreni nin?” La eksterteranoj diras.
EN: “Greetings! Do you understand us?” The lead alien says.
EO: La Teranoj miriĝas pri tia, kian ajn tiuj strangaj eksterteranoj parolas.. “Saluton?” ili diras “Povas vi kompreni nin? Ni volas kompreni vian eksterteranan lingvon. Eble ni povas negoci por via propulso teknologio.” Ĉar la teranoj pensis, ke povus esti bona por ekonomia profito.
EN: The humans wonder in amazement at whatever alien language these odd aliens must speak. “Hello?” they say “Can you understand us? We want to understand your alien language. Perhaps we can trade for your propulsion technology” as the humans thought it could be good for economic profit.”
. .
EO: La eksterteranoj diras inter si mem, “Ĉi tiuj homoj difektas, ni devas instrui al ili scion, sed ili parolas malinteligentan lingvon.”
EN: The aliens say among themselves. "These people are damaged, we have to teach them knowledge, but they speak an unintelligent language." .
. .
EO: Kelkaj aliaj preterpasantoj aŭskultas la eksterteranojn peni instrui al ĉi tiu grupo de homoj la lingvon kaj ridas al ili, ĉar la preterpasantoj komprenas la lingvon, kiun la eksterteranoj uzas. La preterpasantoj parolas al la eksterteranoj kaj komencas komuniki kun ili la veran sekreton de la universo…
. .
EN: Some other passers by hear the aliens try to teach this group of humans and they laugh at them as they understand the language the aliens are using. The passersby talk to the aliens and start communicating with them the true secrets of the universe... .
EO: La eksterteranoj estas kontentaj kiu ili havan trovan kelkajn homojn kapablan da parolas kaj instrui ilin da sekreton da la universon. Kaj ĝi estas ne pri profitan ĝi estas pri amo kaj partoprenin kun por onin alian. Ĝi estas al malfrua por la homoj tiu estis ne ĝenan lerni ilia propran universan lingvan….
. La Fino ~ The End
If you liked the story please +1 below to let me know. :)
Helpful comments and constructive reviews are welcome too. Thank you.
Kreditoj ~ Credits .
© Aprilo 25 - Aŭgusto 2015 Per Paŭlo kiel amuzas lernan spertan
Dankon por le speciala helpas de Travis mia unua instruisto kaj Xander Powell (Dankon por redaktas) kaj Lernu!.net
* Bildo ekstermondoj bazon sur kaj krediton al: © 2003 Esperanto League por North America by Don Harlow.
© 2013 La kosmoŝipo bildo estas mia desegnan
Trodorloto sinoniman: Eksterteranoj havas decidas al venas al Tero sed havis al decidas sur unu lingvon al uzas Komuniki kun. Ilin decidas sur la universalan lingvon en ordon al manifest ilin senpartieco kiel terojn politikojn. Ho ve ilin trovas tiu multa da le Terhomoj ne eble konas la universalan lingvon. Unufojon ilin torvas Terhonoj kapablaj al uzas ilin novan lingvon ilin estas kapabla al instrui ilin la sekratojn de la universon tiu havos venan al partoprenan. Sed la sekratojn tiu kelka estas esperon por estis ne la sekratojn la ekstermondoj havos venas al partoprenan... Kelka de la rakonto estas ambaŭ en Anglon kaj Esperanton sed la sekratojn de la universalan estas nur en Esperanto… .
Spoiler synopsis: Aliens have decided to come to earth but had to decide on one neutral language to use to communicate with. They decided on the universal language in order to show their neutrality as to the earth politics. Alas they find that many of the earthers do not even know the universal language. Once they find Earthers able to use their new language they are able to teach them the secrets of the universe that they had come to share. But the secrets that some were hoping for was not the secrets the aliens had come to share... Some of the story is both in English and Esperanto but the secrets of the universe are only in Esperanto… .
Sunday, August 30, 2015
September Update
Mi estas nivelo dek kaj laboras pri la sana lecionoj. Mia Frato estas nivelo ses nun.
I am still level ten and currently finishing the travel skill lessons and then on to Affixes 2. When I finish the tree I will really need to refresh my lessons.
UPDATE: I have decided to go ahead and review and re-golden my lesson tree. I need to review and the lesson are getting harder. This will allow allow me to practice my listen skills using simpler sentences with words I know better. The audio lesson were added when I was already on level 10 and the more complicated sentences are giving me problems.
My Brother is level six now. And a mutual friend of our has been learning some Esperanto as well. My Wife wants to learn more Esperanto as she is able. I plan to go over lessons 1 and 2 alongside her on her Duolingo account. It will be fun if we can all become fluent enough to use EO with each other.
I am finding that besides my new wells word dictionary I also like using the Glosbe en/eo/en dictionary to get the meanings of words and many words are used differently between the languages. Of course I still use lernu for quick reference on a word.
UPDATE on my sci-fi short story,
Ni venas paroli kun vi en vian lingvon
We come to speak with you in your language
I posted a link to my sci-fi short story at Duolingo Esperanto Learners forum and particularly one student Jonathan Powell really helped me out to make it a readable story.
Another student Catherine Wilcox has shown interest in recording an audio file along with some other stories she has been reading for student practice. This conversation is at the Duolingo Esperanto Learners forum.
Here is a link to the original draft story: Ni venas paroli kun vi en vian lingvon.
I will post the edited story in my next post perhaps even with an audio file to go along with it sometime.
I will post the edited story in my next post perhaps even with an audio file to go along with it sometime.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
August Esperanto Progress Update
I Purchased English-Esperanto-English Dictionary (2010 Edition) - John Christopher Wells from with off 5%(Promo Code: Class5 ) from for $24 with shipping from Finders Cheapers leading to Salem, OR Book Byte. I have bought other inexpensive books (around 5$ each) but this book is a purchase of more commitment to me.
My Brother and a mutual friend is using Duolingo to learn some Esperanto. I hope they both succeed and have a lot of fun with it, I am sure having fun with them. Craig and I have sat in our yard and learned some lessons and reviewed together. His quizzes to me have been helpful, it is cool to hear and understand what someone else is saying in another language. An experience I have never had before. (Other than pig Latin and cheap oriental).
Duolingo has added spoken questions to the course. While to me, as a Komecanto(beginner), it seems rather fast and it was quite a shock to me hearing it at that rate for a while. I must admit I am picking a bit more of them up now after several more lessons, and A LOT of replaying the questions from them. I have Special Difficultly with close sounding words such as ni and li. I am going to try some earphones an see if I can pick sounds out clearer by not using my PC speakers. Also a another factor in not picking up the words, is the fact that I am just learning these words. It is hard to pick out a word, when you do not know the word well in the first place. LOTS of replaying seems to be the fix for that ;)
I am growing more pleased with my progress, although that accusative -N is still my greatest nemeses along with my lousy memory. It looks like I will be continuing with learning Esperanto, especially now that I have invested in a real dictionary, and I now have a couple language buddies.
Update: August 7,2015
I reached the 10th level and the 3rd and last checkpoint with 2278 xp points. From the 3rd checkpoint to the end of the course is the biggest section yet. I still have a lot of work ahead of me.
My Brother and a mutual friend is using Duolingo to learn some Esperanto. I hope they both succeed and have a lot of fun with it, I am sure having fun with them. Craig and I have sat in our yard and learned some lessons and reviewed together. His quizzes to me have been helpful, it is cool to hear and understand what someone else is saying in another language. An experience I have never had before. (Other than pig Latin and cheap oriental).
Duolingo has added spoken questions to the course. While to me, as a Komecanto(beginner), it seems rather fast and it was quite a shock to me hearing it at that rate for a while. I must admit I am picking a bit more of them up now after several more lessons, and A LOT of replaying the questions from them. I have Special Difficultly with close sounding words such as ni and li. I am going to try some earphones an see if I can pick sounds out clearer by not using my PC speakers. Also a another factor in not picking up the words, is the fact that I am just learning these words. It is hard to pick out a word, when you do not know the word well in the first place. LOTS of replaying seems to be the fix for that ;)
I am growing more pleased with my progress, although that accusative -N is still my greatest nemeses along with my lousy memory. It looks like I will be continuing with learning Esperanto, especially now that I have invested in a real dictionary, and I now have a couple language buddies.
Update: August 7,2015
I reached the 10th level and the 3rd and last checkpoint with 2278 xp points. From the 3rd checkpoint to the end of the course is the biggest section yet. I still have a lot of work ahead of me.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Finished complete review this monato
Gxi estis multa de laboros por mi al finas kompleta recenzo returni mia tarnished leciono flikajxoj al oro. Mi bezonis la praktika. Mi esperos gxi estos helpas mi kun kontinui antauxe cxi tiu veno monato. Kiel vi vidas mi bezonas al lerni pli vortojn kaj lerni pli bona frazojn strukturo. Mi usaz vortaro por multa helpas kun cxi tiu posxto.
It was a lot of work for me to finish a complete review to return my tarnished lesson patches to gold. I needed the practice. I hope it will help me with continuing ahead this coming month. As you see I need to learn more words and learn better sentence strukturo. I used a dictionary for much help with this post.
It was a lot of work for me to finish a complete review to return my tarnished lesson patches to gold. I needed the practice. I hope it will help me with continuing ahead this coming month. As you see I need to learn more words and learn better sentence strukturo. I used a dictionary for much help with this post.
Monday, July 13, 2015
I made enough points for level 9
I am still going through and reviewing previous lessons but am almost done with it. It is just as much work for me to review the lessons as is they are to go through the first time. I will then be able to move forward. It is a lot work for me learning Esperanto, but it is still fun. I am glad I picked an ¨easy¨ language to learn. It is still hard work but enjoyable to get the experience of learning how to think in another language.
I made enough points for level 9, and have 109 lingots |
I am almost done reviewing previous lessons. |
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Time for some Duolingo lesson reviews
I am going to start going back through the lessons I have already completed for some refresh and confidence building. It's time to return my now multi-colored lesson patches to there gold luster.
I am also still having difficulty with the -n affix. This comes from my ongoing difficulty with identifying word types on the fly. In english I can make sentences just because I grew up with it and my brain just does it. I learning a new language I do not have this instinct to draw on, I have to actually know word parts. If I could Anglesize Esperanto word order and get away with it would help a lot. I can read sentences that use the -n affix ok though.
My wife has not been able to continue much with Esperanto so I do not have her practice with. She never was able to start the Duolingo course.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
My continued work on Esperanto
I am level 8 on my Esperanto. I have been faithful at keeping the reviews up so my lesson patches stay Gold but this is taking time from moving on with new lessons. So I plan from now on to not worry about them turning their regular colors. I can still alway come back and review a previous lesson if it fills a specific weakness.
I like the 5 Lingot wager Duolingo has that for a cost of 5 Lingots will award 10 lingots if you fulfill a 7 day streak of meeting your daily goal. My goal is set to 10xp so my goal can be kept with usually only one lesson or review a day. I have made the wager 3 times now and have never lost my 5 lingots.
There is an fb and a Google Plus Esperanto Community groups to get help from members and to arrange practice and help hangouts.
There is also a Google map of Duolingo Esperanto speakers around the world. It is cool seeing this fill out in order to get a visual of Esperanto speakers around the globe. It is also useful to find Duolingo users in your local area.
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