Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Duolingo course and my Memrise deck progress

Things are really coming along fast for the Duolingo course which is at 78% of opening up, the course writers have done quite a bit just since my previous post.  It also now has 12,000+ students waiting for the course to open up.
The course is at 78% since and now has 12,000+ students waiting for the course.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I have been very busy as well.  I was in 6th place I believe for the high score of the "A complete grammar of Esperanto vocabulary" Memrise deck during my last post.  Now as of this post have gone through all 924 words,  now I just need to review the deck often to keep them all in my head as I continue to be exposed to these words further in the textbook at Google play Books of the same title.

I now have (temporarily I am sure) the lead on this particular decks all time high Leader-board due to cramming all day long ever since my last post with 587,686 points.  I took a screenshot so it will last longer.  :) I expect the lead may disappear very quickly as there are several other active users of this deck that may wish to challenge my lead.  Its all part of the fun and motivation to keep ones studies up. i hope i have motivated them as much as they have motivated me. :)
EDIT: Noticed my score was passed on Feb, 15,2012 :)
My temporary lead on this decks leader-board.

Monday, February 9, 2015

A Complete Grammar of Esperanto

I am going through the ebook:
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto with grades exercises for reading and translation together with full vocabularies by Ivy Kellerman, A.M., Ph. D.
As I have been studying the book I have also been using the 'Add Note' feature of Google Play Books to add all of my translations of the 'Reading Lessons' and 'Sentences for Translation' provided in the book.

Screen shot of the ebook along with a pop-up note of a translation.
Along with the book, I am using a Memrise flash card deck that includes all of the vocabulary from the book. I currently have 376,005 point that currently put me at 5th place on the all time leader board for this deck.  I am currently in position 1 for the weekly and monthly score position.  However, note that these scores are highly fluid for as soon as the next person sees my score, they will want to top it.  I have been bouncing back and fourth with the active deck users for the weekly and monthly position.  I find it rather fun and motivating.  It helps me to keep the vocabulary in my head in between my session with going through the book.

The Duolingo course is currently 77% done with 11,796 pre-registered.
I am finding it a useful combination to give me a head start while I wait for the Esperanto Duolingo course to start. The Duolingo course is currently at 77% near its completion with 11,796 students pre-registered for it.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Comedically Easy

Comically Easy by Paullen  - Monday February 2, 2015
With Esperanto one conversation is all it takes to get started
   I made this little comic at while on a brief language break.  I am currently mainly going through the A complete grammar of Esperanto vocabulary flashcard deck at  I am just about to to start level 16 of 60 levels.  It reports I have gone though 243 of 923 words in the deck with 140 supposedly in long term memory.