Mi estas nivelo dek kaj laboras pri la sana lecionoj. Mia Frato estas nivelo ses nun.
I am still level ten and currently finishing the travel skill lessons and then on to Affixes 2. When I finish the tree I will really need to refresh my lessons.
UPDATE: I have decided to go ahead and review and re-golden my lesson tree. I need to review and the lesson are getting harder. This will allow allow me to practice my listen skills using simpler sentences with words I know better. The audio lesson were added when I was already on level 10 and the more complicated sentences are giving me problems.
My Brother is level six now. And a mutual friend of our has been learning some Esperanto as well. My Wife wants to learn more Esperanto as she is able. I plan to go over lessons 1 and 2 alongside her on her Duolingo account. It will be fun if we can all become fluent enough to use EO with each other.
I am finding that besides my new wells word dictionary I also like using the Glosbe en/eo/en dictionary to get the meanings of words and many words are used differently between the languages. Of course I still use lernu for quick reference on a word.
UPDATE on my sci-fi short story,
Ni venas paroli kun vi en vian lingvon
We come to speak with you in your language
I posted a link to my sci-fi short story at Duolingo Esperanto Learners forum and particularly one student Jonathan Powell really helped me out to make it a readable story.
Another student Catherine Wilcox has shown interest in recording an audio file along with some other stories she has been reading for student practice. This conversation is at the Duolingo Esperanto Learners forum.
Here is a link to the original draft story: Ni venas paroli kun vi en vian lingvon.
I will post the edited story in my next post perhaps even with an audio file to go along with it sometime.
I will post the edited story in my next post perhaps even with an audio file to go along with it sometime.